Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Adobe Seminar – Terry White

Hey, we’re famous! Okay, maybe not famous but we did get our picture posted on Terry White’s blog. Okay, so it wasn’t just us (me and Michelle) in the photo but we are in there (somewhere). Can you find us? Check out Terry’s blog by clicking on the following link: Terry White’s Tech Blog

PS – I have been a regular follower of Terry’s blog. A very good blog I might add.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

J & H Engagement Photos

Hi All,

Had a great shoot with a good looking couple last weekend. J and H engagement photos. :-)

Friday, August 1, 2008


Good Morning Everyone,

I have been absent for a couple of weeks mostly because I sent all me cameras in to be cleaned. Dust on the sensor causes me to have my cameras cleaned once a year. In another post I will elaborate more on sensor dust (very common with digital cameras) and what you can do about it.

We are looking forward to tomorrow. We have an early morning engagement photo session lined up down in the DC area. Should be a lot of fun and they make a great looking couple so we should get a couple of good photos out of the trip :-)

On another note, in earlier posts I talked about taking family photo trips. It’s a lot of fun, especially when you get the kids involved. When you start talk about color, light, shadows and angles the kids really get into it and are good and looking for objects to take photos of. On this same note, Jeff Revell who has one of my favorite blogs, PhotoWalkPro, holds photo walks in towns and cites all over the U.S. He has teamed up with Scott Kelby of National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) to hold a worldwide photo walk. This is where they will hold photo walks all over the world on the same day. To learn more, click on this link: Worldwide Photo Walk