Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kathryn and Jason Engagement Session

Now this was a good time.  Kathryn and Jason called us a while back to set up an engagement photo shoot.  When it comes to picking a location for engagement sessions, we usually throw the ball back into their court and ask a lot of questions.  Probably, the most important question is “where did you meet?”  It doesn’t always work out but in this case they had met in Washington DC and if I got the story straight, they were supposed to meet up with some friends but ended up being the only two that made it.  The rest is history :-)  Click on the pictures to see them in a larger format.  

Florida Gator fans as well! :-)

My daughter (set manager) poking a little fun of me!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Grand Opening!

Sort of a grand opening anyway. After months of review, testing and sleepless nights, we finally picked a new program to help us build and launch our new web site.

The Steve Beltz Photography web site is still being populated and I’m sure the layout will keep being tweaked if not re-worked all together but we finally got up and running with help from SHOWIT.

I will blog more about how this program worked for us in the not to distant future but I can say that after a slight learning curve we were able to get the new site up and running in just a couple of days. Most of that time wasn’t the programs fault but rather my ability (or lack of ability) to create a layout that we were happy with. I do want to give a shout out to Jasmine Star (wedding photographer extraordinaire) for pointing us to the SHOWIT web site.

And of course, I want to thank my partner in photography and for life, my fantastic wife Michelle for all her help getting the new site up and running. Her energy and positive attitude kept me going in the right direction. Thanks Michelle!

More to follow but any feed back would by highly appreciated!